Teeth Cleaning
Teeth cleaning in dentistry does not only refer to the brushing and flossing that you do at home daily. There is a special type of dental cleaning that takes place at clinics too, and it is known as Scaling. Even if you brush regularly, you must have noticed that a sticky yellow layer often forms on the back side of your teeth. At times you will also see a hard, stone-like mass along the gum like that simply does not get removed no matter how you try to clean it. These are plaque and calculus respectively, and they are the leading causes of harmful gingival infections.
The bristles of a regular tooth brush often can’t reach all the exposed surfaces of the crown, especially in case of dental crowding. Other times, you techniques may be flawed. Fortunately, you can get your teeth professionally cleaned at Victoria Dental at least twice a year to maintain optimal oral health. Scaling involves the use of a high-speed vibrating tip attached to a hand piece, which removes calculus, accumulated bacteria, food debris, and plaque from those tricky, hard-to-access places between the teeth and below the gum line. The procedure can reverse gum disease, and keeps your mouth healthy and fresh!